Many women experience some anxiety about their first annual exam. Don’t worry, that’s a completely natural feeling.
During your visit, here are some things that will be discussed:
Your provider will explain what will be done prior to any procedure and will make every effort to ensure that you remain as comfortable and relaxed as possible.
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology is a highly specialized field and a relatively new sub-specialty of gynecology. It requires in-depth training in order to assure that these particular age groups are evaluated and treated in a manner that is very different from adult women. There are a limited number of physicians around the country who have this expertise. Our physicians have been practicing this subspecialty for many years and show a sensitivity and understanding that only those practitioners who have specific training in this field can display. Please refer to the web sites below to obtain additional information on your condition as directed by your physician. We have included some information on a few topics in each age group. Please refer to the section, Special Conditions, as well, for handouts on a variety of conditions that we treat in the office.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition characterized by irregular or no periods and high testosterone levels on a blood test. There may be other symptoms of the syndrome including acne, obesity, excess hair growth, hair loss, and other skin color changes. This is one of the hormonal causes for absence of menses or irregular menses that we will be looking for as part of an evaluation. It is important to diagnosis and treat this disorder early to prevent future problems. Teens/women with PCOS are at a higher risk for infertility, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. With proper treatment, risks can be minimized. In the adolescent, the recommended treatment is hormonal medication, dietary changes, and exercise. If a teen/woman has high insulin levels as part of her symptoms, then medication to lower insulin levels to help prevent diabetes may be recommended.
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome: absent uterus and vagina
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a disorder that develops as the female fetus is developing. This condition causes the vagina and uterus to be underdeveloped or absent. Affected teens/women do not have menstrual periods due to the absent uterus. Often, the first noticeable sign of MRKH syndrome is that menstruation does not begin by age 16. Women with MRKH syndrome have a female chromosome pattern (46,XX) and normally functioning ovaries. They also have normal female external genitalia and normal breast and pubic hair development. It is important to diagnosis this condition early so that we can begin counseling and education for the teen and her family. This condition affects 1 in 5,000 girls and can be emotionally devastating when diagnosed. Some of the issues that will need to discussed include creation of a vagina and fertility. Proper counseling can help the teen and her family adjust to this diagnosis.Your First Annual Exam Many women experience some anxiety about their first annual exam. Don’t worry, that’s a completely natural feeling. During your visit, here are some things that will be discussed: Your periods – when did they start, their duration any symptoms you have before or during Your sexual history Lifestyle issues that affect your health like smoking, your diet, and your exercise habit Your provider will explain what will be done prior to any procedure and will make every effort to ensure that you remain as comfortable and relaxed as possible.